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Thank you, from Singapore

16 Jun 2024
Views 301

Mr Kim brought us around, with 3 young kids, helped us buy tickets at a discount, and recommended value for money local eateries, and was totaly not pushy or what. Speaks fluent mandarin and also english, can communicate through whatsapp. Trusted and safe driver too! And of course, timely, which is not to be taken for granted. What more can i ask for!


  CS Center

+82 10 8660 0030
中文&English service 

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🤍 We, Joy Tour, will always do our best and strive to provide the utmost satisfaction. 🤍

JOY TOUR  Inc.   |  CEO. Jeong On Yu 
사업자번호. 488-86-02880 

TEL. +82 64-712-0416 , +82 10-8660-0030 
ADD. 79 Yeongsa road, Jeju City, Korea
FAX: 0303-3442-0416 
Tourism Business Certificate of Registration: 2023-15호
Mail order number: 2023-제주오라-0040

Copyright ⓒ JOY TOUR Inc.
Designed and Hosting by 보구정제주

JOY TOUR  Inc.  |  CEO. Jeong On Yu  |  Business Number. 488-86-02880 

TEL. +82 64-712-0416, +82-10-8660-0030 |  E-mail.  |  ADD. 79 Yeongsa road, Jeju City, Korea

FAX: 0303-3442-0416  |  Tourism Business Certificate of Registration: 2023-15호  |  Mail order number: 2023-제주오라-0040

Copyright ⓒ JOY TOUR  Inc.|Designed and Hosting by 보구정제주