
This page is where you pay for the depot. The rest is paid to the driver in cash on the last day of the tour except for the depot amount. Please purchase the etiquette music for as many days as you want.
($ is based on usd dollars, exchange rate is based on 40$USD=50000KRW. You can purchase as many days as you want. e.g. 40$ *3DAYS=120$)

現在的頁面是支付違約行爲的頁面。 请把尾款在旅行最後一天用現金支付給司機。 按照您想要的天數購買即可。($以usd美元爲準,匯率以40$=50000KRW爲準。 按照您想要的天數購買就可以了。 例) 40 美元 *3DAYS= 120 美元)

  CS Center

+82 10 8660 0030
中文&English service 

Quick inquiry 中文&English service  

🤍 We, Joy Tour, will always do our best and strive to provide the utmost satisfaction. 🤍

JOY TOUR  Inc.   |  CEO. Jeong On Yu 
사업자번호. 488-86-02880 

TEL. +82 64-712-0416 , +82 10-8660-0030 
E-mail. koreajoytour@gmail.com
ADD. 79 Yeongsa road, Jeju City, Korea
FAX: 0303-3442-0416 
Tourism Business Certificate of Registration: 2023-15호
Mail order number: 2023-제주오라-0040

Copyright ⓒ JOY TOUR Inc.
Designed and Hosting by 보구정제주

JOY TOUR  Inc.  |  CEO. Jeong On Yu  |  Business Number. 488-86-02880 

TEL. +82 64-712-0416, +82-10-8660-0030 |  E-mail. koreajoytour@gmail.com  |  ADD. 79 Yeongsa road, Jeju City, Korea

FAX: 0303-3442-0416  |  Tourism Business Certificate of Registration: 2023-15호  |  Mail order number: 2023-제주오라-0040

Copyright ⓒ JOY TOUR  Inc.|Designed and Hosting by 보구정제주